Experience the accuracy, reliability, and performance of the world’s most powerful quantum hardware: Quantinuum’s H-Series, Powered by Honeywell. Driven by our world-class team of scientists and engineers, we are focused on increasing our computational power year over year to bring large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing to reality.
Proven to scale through QCCD architecture:
A quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) architecture enables a clear path to scaling while maintaining extremely high fidelity operations.
Real-time error correction enabled by mid-circuit measurement:
Measure select qubits in real-time and condition future quantum operations all while inadvertently measuring other qubits. This capability is crucial to creating fault-tolerant quantum computers and enabled the first ever demonstration of real-time quantum error correction.
Greater control, stronger results:
Moving and regrouping qubits into arbitrary pairs, which we call all-to-all connectivity, with near-perfect fidelity enables users to have maximum flexibility in algorithm design. This enables resource reduction in the computational steps required to executing quantum algorithms, thereby providing higher-fidelity results.
Realizing the world-changing power of quantum computing will require many qubits, high physical fidelity, and fault tolerance. Our systems have unparalleled fidelity, combined with all-to-all connectivity, mid-circuit measurement, and qubit reuse, giving us an unmatched advantage for pushing the field of quantum computing forward. And the results speak for themselves.
Purchase a subscription directly with Quantinuum to access our trapped-ion quantum computers, the world’s leading quantum hardware
Perform quantum chemistry research with InQuanto, a state of the art platform that can utilize H-Series hardware for complex molecular and materials simulations
Purchase a subscription on Microsoft Azure with access to H-Series hardware. Researchers can apply for an Azure Quantum Credits Grant worth $10,000
Researchers in the United States may apply for a quantum credits grant on H-Series hardware through their Quantum Computing User Program (QCUP)
Want to make a difference in chemistry, physics, drug discovery, healthcare, computational biology, materials science, cybersecurity, energy transformation, or another field? Partner with us to start leveraging our industry-leading full-stack quantum technologies to advance your breakthroughs.
Learn more about how our H-Series hardware is forging the path forward and enabling breakthroughs across the quantum computing industry.