
Discover how we are pushing the boundaries in the world of quantum computing

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November 19, 2024
Announcing the Launch of Quantinuum Nexus: Our All-in-One Quantum Computing Platform

In July, we proudly introduced the Beta version of Quantinuum Nexus, our comprehensive quantum computing platform. Designed to provide an exceptional experience for managing, storing, and executing quantum workflows, Nexus offers unparalleled integration with Quantinuum’s software and hardware.

What’s New?

Before July, Nexus was primarily available to our internal researchers and software developers, who leveraged it to drive groundbreaking work leading to notable publications such as:

Following our initial announcement, we invited external users to experience Nexus for the first time.

We selected quantum computing researchers and developers from both industry and academia to help accelerate their work and advance scientific discovery. Participants included teams from diverse sectors such as automotive and energy technology, as well as research groups from universities and national laboratories worldwide. We also welcomed scientists and software developers from other quantum computing companies to explore areas ranging from physical system simulation to the foundations of quantum mechanics.

The feedback and results from our trial users have been exceptional. But don’t just take our word for it—read on to hear directly from some of them:

Unitary Fund

At Unitary Fund, we leveraged Nexus to study a foundational question about quantum mechanics. The quantum platform allowed us to scale experimental violations of Local Friendliness to a more significant regime than had been previously tested. Using Nexus, we encoded Extended Wigner’s Friend Scenarios (EWFS) into quantum circuits, running them on state-of-the-art simulators and quantum processors. Nexus enabled us to scale the complexity of these circuits efficiently, helping us validate LF violations at larger and larger scales. The platform's reliability and advanced capabilities were crucial to extending our results, from simulating smaller systems to experimentally demonstrating LF violations on quantum hardware. Nexus has empowered us to deepen our research and contribute to foundational quantum science.

Read the publication here: Towards violations of Local Friendliness with quantum computers.


At Phasecraft we are designing algorithms for near term quantum devices, identifying the most impactful experiments to run on the best available hardware. We recently implemented a series of circuits to simulate the time dynamics of a materials model with a novel layout, exploiting the all-to-all connectivity of the H series. Nexus integrated easily with our software stack, allowing us to easily deploy our circuits and collect data, with impressive results. We first tested that our in-house software could interface with Nexus smoothly using the syntax checker as well as the suite of functionality available through the Nexus API. We then tested our circuits on the H1 emulator, and it was straightforward to switch from the emulator to the hardware when we were ready. Overall, we found nexus a straightforward interface, especially when compared with alternative quantum hardware access models.

Quantum Software Lab, University of Edinburgh

In this project, we performed the largest verified measurement-based quantum computation to date, up to the size of 52 vertices, which was made possible by the Nexus system. The protocol requires complex operations intermingling classical and quantum information. In particular, Nexus allows us to demonstrate our protocol that requires complex decisions for every measurement shot on every node in the graph: circuit branching, mid-circuit measurement and reset, and incorporating fresh randomness. Such requirements are difficult to deliver on most quantum computer frameworks as they are far from conventional gate-based BQP computations; however, Nexus can!

Read the publication here: On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit

Onward and Upward

We are thrilled to announce that after these successes, Nexus is coming out of beta access for full launch. We can’t wait to offer Nexus to our customers to enable ground-breaking scientific work, powered by Quantinuum.

Register your interest in gaining access to the best full-stack quantum computing platform, today!

November 15, 2024
A step forward for non-Abelian quantum computing

Our team is making progress on the path towards “non-Abelian” quantum computing, which promises both fault tolerance and significant resource savings.

Computing with non-Abelian anyons, which are a type of quasiparticle, is sought after as it offers an enticing alternative to some of the biggest challenges in mainstream quantum computing. Estimates vary, but some scientists have calculated that some of the trickiest parts, like T gates and magic states distillation, can take up to 90% of the computer’s resources (when running something such as Shor’s algorithm). The non-abelian approach to quantum computing could mitigate this issue.

In a new paper in collaboration with Harvard and CalTech, our team is one step closer to realizing fault-tolerant non-Abelian quantum computing. This paper is a follow-up to our recent work published in Nature, where we demonstrated control of non-Abelian anyons. This marks a key step toward non-Abelian computing, and we are the only company who has achieved this. Additionally, we are the only company offering commercially-available mid-circuit measurement and feed-forward capabilities, which will be vital as we advance our research in this area.

In this paper, our team prepared the ground state of the “Z3” toric code – meaning this special state of matter was prepared in qutrit (3 states) Hilbert space. Before now, topological order has only been prepared in qubit (2 states) Hilbert spaces. This allowed them to explore the effect of defects in the lattice (for the experts, this was the “parafermion” defect as well as the “charge-conjugation” defect. They then entangled two pairs of charge conjugation defects, making a Bell pair.

All these accomplishments are critical steppingstones towards the non-Abelian anyons of the “S3” toric code, which is the non-Abelian approach that promises both huge resource savings previously discussed because it (unlike most quantum error correction codes) provides a universal gate set. The high-fidelity preparation our team accomplished in this paper suggests that we are very close to achieving a universal topological gate set, which will be an incredible “first” in the quantum computing community.

This work is another feather in our cap in terms of quantum error correction (QEC) research, a field we are leaders in. We recently demonstrated a significant reduction in circuit error rates in collaboration with Microsoft, we performed high fidelity and fault-tolerant teleportation of logical qubits, and we independently demonstrated the first implementation of the Quantum Fourier Transform with error correction. We’ve surpassed the “break-even” point multiple times, recently doing so entangling 4 logical qubits in a non-local code. This latest work in non-Abelian QEC is yet another crucial milestone for the community that we have rigorously passed before anyone else.

This world-class work is enabled by the native flexibility of our Quantum Charge Coupled Device (QCCD) architecture and its best-in-class fidelity. Our world-leading hardware combined with our team of over 500 employees, including 370+ scientists and engineers, means that we have the capacity to efficiently investigate a large variety of error correcting codes and fault-tolerant methods, while supporting our partners to do the same. Fault tolerance is one of the most critical challenges our industry faces, and we are proud to be leading the way towards large scale, fault-tolerant quantum computing.

November 14, 2024
Making fault-tolerance a reality: Introducing our QEC decoder toolkit

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking addition to our technology suite: the Quantum Error Correction (QEC) decoder toolkit. This essential tool empowers users to decode syndromes and implement real-time corrections, an essential step towards achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing. As the only company offering this crucial capability to our users, we are paving the way for the future of quantum technology.

We are dedicated to realizing universal fault-tolerant quantum computing by the end of this decade. A key component of this mission is equipping our customers with essential QEC workflows, making advanced quantum computing more accessible than ever before.

Our QEC decoding toolkit is enabled by our real-time hybrid compute capability, which executes Web Assembly (Wasm) in our stack in both hardware and emulator environments. This enables the use of libraries (like linear algebra and graph libraries) and complex data structures (like vectors and graphs).

Our real-time hybrid compute capability enables a new frontier in classical-quantum hybrid computing. Our release of the QEC decoder toolkit marks a maturing from just running quantum circuits to running full quantum algorithms, interacting in depth with classical resources in real-time so that each platform (quantum, classical) can be focused where it performs best.

QEC decoding is one of the most exciting – and necessary – applications of hybrid computing capacity. Before now, error correction needed to be done with lookup tables: a list specifying the correction for each syndrome. This is not scalable: the number of syndromes grows exponentially with the distance (which is like the “error correcting power”) of the code. This means that codes hefty enough to run, say, Shor’s algorithm would need a lookup table too massive to search or even store properly.

For universal fault-tolerant quantum computing to become a reality, we need to decode error syndromes algorithmically. During algorithmic decoding, the syndrome is sent to a classical computer which solves (for example) a graph problem to determine the correction to make.

Algorithmic decoding is only half of the puzzle though – the other key ingredient is being able to decode syndromes and correct errors in real time. For universal, fully fault-tolerant computing, real-time decoding is necessary: one can’t just push all corrections to the end of the computation because the errors will propagate and overwhelm the computation. Errors must be corrected as the computation proceeds.

In real-time algorithmic decoding, the syndrome is sent to a classical computer while the qubits are held in stasis , then the computed correction is applied before the computation proceeds.  Alternatively, one can compute the correction while the computation proceeds in parallel, then it is retrieved when needed. This flexibility in implementation allows for maximum freedom in algorithmic design.

Our real-time co-compute capability combined with our industry-leading coherence times (up to 10,000x longer than competitors) is what allows us to be the first to release this capacity to our customers. Our long coherence times also enable our users to benefit from more complex decoders that offer superior results.

Our QEC toolkit is fully flexible and will work with any QEC code - allowing our customers to build their own decoders and explore the results. It also enables users to better understand what fault-tolerant computing on actual hardware is like and improve on ideas developed via theory and simulation. This means building better decoders for the real world.

Our toolkit includes three use cases and includes the relevant source-code needed to test and compile the Wasm binaries. These use cases are:

- Repeat Until Success: Conditionally adding quantum operations to a circuit based on equality comparisons with an in-memory Wasm variable.

- Repetition Code: [[3,1,2]] code that encodes 3 physical qubits into 1 logical qubit, with code distance of 2.

- Surface Code: [[9,1,3]] code that encodes 9 physical qubits into 1 logical qubit, with a code distance of 3.

This is just the beginning of our promise to deliver universal, fault-tolerant quantum computing by the end of the decade. We are proud to be the only company offering advanced capabilities like this to our customers, and to be leading the way towards practical QEC.  

November 4, 2024
Establishing Trust

For a novel technology to be successful, it must prove that it is both useful and works as described.

Checking that our computers “work as described” is called benchmarking and verification by the experts. We are proud to be leaders in this field, with the most benchmarked quantum processors in the world. We also work with National Laboratories in various countries to develop new benchmarking techniques and standards. Additionally, we have our own team of experts leading the field in benchmarking and verification.

Currently, a lot of verification (i.e. checking that you got the right answer) is done by classical computers – most quantum processors can still be simulated by a classical computer. As we move towards quantum processors that are hard (or impossible) to simulate, this introduces a problem: how can we keep checking that our technology is working correctly without simulating it?

We recently partnered with the UK’s Quantum Software Lab to develop a novel and scalable verification and benchmarking protocol that will help us as we make the transition to quantum processors that cannot be simulated.

This new protocol does not require classical simulation, or the transfer of a qubit between two parties. The team’s “on-chip” verification protocol eliminates the need for a physically separated verifier and makes no assumptions about the processor’s noise. To top it all off, this new protocol is qubit-efficient.

The team’s protocol is application-agnostic, benefiting all users. Further, the protocol is optimized to our QCCD hardware, meaning that we have a path towards verified quantum advantage – as we compute more things that cannot be classically simulated, we will be able to check that what we are doing is right.

Running the protocol on Quantinuum System Model H1, the team ended up performing the largest verified Measurement Based Quantum Computing (MBQC) circuit to date. This was enabled by our System Model H1’s low cross-talk gate zones, mid-circuit measurement and reset, and long coherence times. By performing the largest verified MBQC computation to date, and by verifying computations significantly larger than any others to be verified before, we reaffirm the Quantinuum Systems as best-in-class.

October 31, 2024
We’re working on bringing the power of quantum computing – and quantum machine learning - to particle physics

Particle accelerators like the LHC take serious computing power. Often on the bleeding-edge of computing technology, accelerator projects sometimes even drive innovations in computing. In fact, while there is some controversy over exactly where the world wide web was created, it is often attributed to Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, who developed it to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.

With annual data generated by accelerators in excess of exabytes (a billion gigabytes), tens of millions of lines of code written to support the experiments, and incredibly demanding hardware requirements, it’s no surprise that the High Energy Physics community is interested in quantum computing, which offers real solutions to some of their hardest problems. Furthermore, the HEP community is well-positioned to support the early stages of technological development: with budgets in the 10s of billions per year and tens of thousands of scientists and engineers working on accelerator and computational physics, this is a ripe industry for quantum computing to tap.

As the authors of this paper stated: “[Quantum Computing] encompasses several defining characteristics that are of particular interest to experimental HEP: the potential for quantum speed-up in processing time, sensitivity to sources of correlations in data, and increased expressivity of quantum systems... Experiments running on high-luminosity accelerators need faster algorithms; identification and reconstruction algorithms need to capture correlations in signals; simulation and inference tools need to express and calculate functions that are classically intractable”

The authors go on to state: “Within the existing data reconstruction and analysis paradigm, access to algorithms that exhibit quantum speed-ups would revolutionize the simulation of large-scale quantum systems and the processing of data from complex experimental set-ups. This would enable a new generation of precision measurements to probe deeper into the nature of the universe. Existing measurements may contain the signatures of underlying quantum correlations or other sources of new physics that are inaccessible to classical analysis techniques. Quantum algorithms that leverage these properties could potentially extract more information from a given dataset than classical algorithms.”

Our scientists have been working with a team at DESY, one of the world’s leading accelerator centers, to bring the power of quantum computing to particle physics. DESY, short for Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, is a national research center for fundamental science located in Hamburg and Zeuthen, where the Center for Quantum Technologies and Applications (CQTA) is based.  DESY operates, develops, and constructs particle accelerators used to investigate the structure, dynamics and function of matter, and conducts a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary scientific research. DESY employs about 3,000 staff members from more than 60 nations, and is part of the worldwide computer network to store and analyze the enormous flood of data that is produced by the LHC in Geneva.

In a recent paper, our scientists collaborated with scientists from DESY, the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), and Northeastern University to explore using a generative quantum machine learning model, called a “quantum Boltzmann machine” to untangle data from CERN’s LHC.

The goal was to learn probability distributions relevant to high energy physics better than the corresponding classical models. The data specifically contains “particle jet events”, which describe how colliders collect data about the subatomic particles generated during the experiments.

In some cases the quantum Boltzmann machine was indeed better, compared to a classical Boltzmann machine. The team is analyzed when and why this happens, understanding better how to apply these new quantum tools in this research setting. The team also studied the effect of the data encoding into a quantum state, noting that it can have a decisive effect on the training performance. Especially enticing is that the quantum Boltzmann machine is efficiently trainable, which our scientists showed in a recent paper published in Nature Communications Physics.  

October 28, 2024
SC24: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Find the Quantinuum team at this year’s SC24 conference from November 17th – 22nd in Atlanta, Georgia. Meet our team at Booth #4351 to discover how Quantinuum is bridging the gap between quantum computing and high-performance compute with leading industry partners.

Schedule time to meet with us

The Quantinuum team will be participating various events, panels and poster sessions to showcase our quantum computing technologies. Join us at the below sessions: 

Monday, Nov 18, 8:00 - 8:25pm EST

Panel: KAUST booth 1031

Nash Palaniswamy, Quantinuum’s CCO, will join fellow quantum vendors and KAUST partners for the "Quantum First" panel to discuss advancements in quantum technology.

Monday, Nov 18, 9:00 - 11:59pm EST

Beowulf Bash: World of Coca-Cola

This year, we are proudly sponsoring the Beowulf Bash, a unique event organized to bring the HPC community together for a night of unique entertainment!

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2:40 - 3:00pm EST

Presentation: Accelerating Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing with Microsoft & Quantinuum

Josh Savory, Director Cloud & Hardware Offerings, and Simon McAdams, Chemistry Product Lead, will showcase Quantinuum and Microsoft's latest breakthroughs, including the creation of the most reliable logical qubits on record and a comprehensive and unique hybrid workflow designed to tackle real chemistry problems, seamlessly integrating cloud HPC, AI, and quantum computing.

Wednesday, Nov 20, 3:30 – 5:00pm EST

Panel: Educating for a Hybrid Future: Bridging the Gap between High-Performance and Quantum Computing

Vincent Anandraj, Quantinuum’s Director of Global Ecosystem and Strategic Alliances, will moderate this panel which brings together experts from leading supercomputing centers and the quantum computing industry, including PSC, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, IQM Quantum Computers, NVIDIA, and National Research Foundation.

Thursday, Nov 21, 11:00 – 11:30am EST 

Presentation: Realizing Quantum Kernel Models at Scale with Matrix Product State Simulation

Pablo Andres-Martinez​, Research Scientist at Quantinuum, will present research done in collaboration with HSBC, where the team applied quantum methods to fraud detection.